12 years, 7 months ago
10. „Ich schau durch das schmutzige Glas”;
Ich schau durch das schmutzige Glas
wie zart die Frühlingsblumen sich erheben
aus meinenm Fudi dringt ein tönendes Gas
und sollte sogleich sachte davonschweben
Ich schreibe hier die nächste Strophe
auch wenn ich selber besser weiss
sie ist schlecht, anders gesagt eine Katastrophe
das schlägt mich aber noch lange nicht zum Greis
Noch still mich ärgernd über die letzten Zeilen
suche ich nach einer Diskussionsbasis
sonst ohne Sinn werde ich hier die Stunden verweilen
hmm, eigentlich hätte ich Lust auf ein Eis mit Cassis
So kann das Leben sein
voller Überraschungen und Frauen
doch was nur für mich allein?
Antwort: Geduld und Kaugummi kauen
Doch sollte das Warten mal ein Ende finden
finde nicht erst, wenn du nicht mehr suchst
die Träume werden zwar so schnell nicht verschwinden
es hilft aber nichts, wenn du alles verfluchst
Auf gute Worte folgen meist auch Taten
darum lasst darauf nicht lange warten
lasst euch verführen zur Abzahlung der Raten
mit Schnupfen auf alle erdenklichen Arten
Noch immer sitz ich hier, allein
meine Gedanken gehen tief und weit
ich glaub ich nehm ein Schnüpfelein
und geb meinen Problemen noch ein wenig Zeit
11. „Kegelschnupf”, Christoph Bächtiger v/o Bombe
Mer schiebed höt en ruigi Chogle,
denn mer send secher kei Doble.
Vor em Schoss en rächti Priise,
dass mer’s ned möged vermiese.
Denn ziend mer ufe de Schnuderpfupf,
dänked, es sett es Säuli sii,
ond nämed en neui Priise debi.
Das lüüted wie d’Glogge det vore,
i euse Ohre,
so düend mer üs i de Nase bohre.
Bögi, schnögi schnupf de Priis,
denn mer gwönned secher en Pris!
12. „S’Heidi”, Pfau bem Heidi im Rest. Pilatus
Wenn de Peter s’Heidi verfüert, esch er en lengge,
er jagt ere en Priis e Zengge.
De Öhi tued das scho lang tschegge
au er tued de Peter es Gras legge.
Drom met ere Priise tued alles glenge,
meteme Schnopf cha au Klara weder Gepfel erklemme.
Verchauft het s’Gschäft de Herr Sesemann
wel er jetzt au schnopfe chann.
Ond die Gschecht het au en Moral:
Wenn alles schnopft, esch alles OK im Tal.
The chief requir’d my snishing-mill,
And well it was bestow’d;
The Patron, with the rarest skill,
Turn’d all the snuff to gowd!
Gowd stampt with royal Anna’s face,
Piece after piece came forth;
The pictures smiled, gi’en with such grace
By ane of so much worth.
Sure thus the patronising Roman
Made Horace spread the wing:
Thus Dorset by kind deeds uncommon
Rais’d Prior up to sing.
That there are Patrons yet for me
Here’s a convincing proof;
Since Annadale gives gowd as free
As I can part with snuff!
14. IN PRAISE OF SNUFF, William Woty, 1760
Oh Snuff! our fashionable end and aim!
Strasburgh, Rappee, Dutch, Scotch! whate’er thy name;
Powder celestial! Quinessence divine!
New joys entrance my soul while thou art mine!
Who takes – who takes thee not! Where’er I range
I smell thy sweets from Pall Mall to the Change.
By thee assisted, ladies kill the day,
And breathe their scandal o’er their tea;
No less they praise thy virtues when in bed.
One pinch of thee revives the vapoured head,
Removes the spleen, removes the qualmish fit,
And gives a brisker tone to female wit,
Warms in the nose, refreshes like the breeze,
Glows in the head, and tickles in the sneeze,
Without it, Tinsel, what would be thy lot!
What, but to strut neglected, and forgot!
In vain thy dress, in vain thy trimmings shine,
If the Parisian snuff-box be not thine.
Come to my nose, then, Snuff, nor come alone,
Bring taste with thee, for taste is all thy own.
When strong perfumes and noisome scents,
The suffering nose invade
Snuff, the best of the Indian weeds, presents
Its salutary aid.
When vapours swim before the eyes,
And cloud the dizzy brain,
Snuff, to dispel the mist, applies
Its quick enlivening grain.
When pensively we sit or walk,
Each social friend away,
Snuff best supplies the want of talk,
And cheers the lonely dayn
The hand, like alabaster fair,
The diamonds sparkling pride,
Can ne’er so gracefully appear,
If snuff should be denied.
E’en commerce, name of sweetest sound
To every British ear,
Must suffering droop, should snuff be found
Unworthy of our care.
For ev’ry pinch of snuff we take
Helps trade in some degree;
As smallest drops of water make
The vast unbounded.
16. William Cowper, June 22, 1782
My dear friend,
If reading verse be your delight,
Tis mine as much, or more, to write;
But what we would, so weak is man,
Lies of remote from what we can.
For instance , at this very time,
I feel a wish, by cheerful rhyme
To soothe my friend, and, had I power,
To cheat him of an anxious hour;
Not meaning (for I must confess,
It were but folly to suppress)
His pleasure, or his good alone,
But squinting partly at my ownn
But though the sun is flaming high
I’th’ centre of yon arch, the sky,
And he had once (and who but he?)
The name for setting genius free,
Net whether posts of past days
Yielded him undeserved praise,
And he by no uncommon lot
Was famed for virtues he had not;
Or whether, which is like enough,
His higness may have taken huff,
So seldom sought with invocation,
Since it has been the reigning fashion
To disregard his inspiration,
I seem no brighter in my wits,
For all the radiance he emits,
Than if I saw, through midnight vapour,
The glimm’ring of a farthing taper.
T’accelerate a creeping pen!
Quod caput, cerebrum et cranium
Pondere liberet exosos,
'Tis here; this oval box well fill’d
With best tobacco finely mill’d,
Beats all Anticyra’s pretences
To disengage th’encumbered senses.
Oh Nymph of Transatlantic Fame,
Whereger thy haunt, whate’er thy name,
Whether reposing on the side
Of Orinoco’s spacious tide,
Or listening with delight not small
To Niagra’s distant fall,
'Tis thine to cherish and the feed
The pungent nose-refreshing weed,
Which, whether pulverized it gain
A speedy passage to thy brain,
Or whether, touch’d withfire, it rise
In circling eddies to the skies,
Does thought more quicken and refine
Than all the breath of all the Nine –
Forgive the Bard, if Bard he be,
Who once too wantonly made free,
To touch with a satiric wipe
That symbol of thy power, the pipe;
So may no blight infest thy plains,
And no unseasonable rains,
And so may smiling Peace once more
Visit America’s sad shore;
And thou, secure from all alarms
Of thund’ring drums and glitt’ring arms,
Rove unconfin’d beneath the shade
Thy wide expanded leaves have made;
So may thy votaries increas,
And fumigation never ceasen
May Newton with renew’d delights
Perform thy odiferous rites,
While clouds of incense half divine
Involve thy disappearing shrine;
And so may smoke-inhaling Bull
Be always filling never full.
16. IN PRAISE OF SNUFF, [Rev. William King, 1788]
Before I budge an inch
I hail Aurora with a pinch;
After three cups of morning tea
A pinch most grateful is to me
If I on ancient classics pore,
Or turn their learned pages o’er
I take a pinch at every pause,
A tribute of my just applause.
Whene’er I dip in page historic,
Or pass an hour in with Yorick,
I relish more each paragraph
If seasoned with a pinch and laugh.
Or, if discussing subjects curious,
I revel in a pinch luxurious;
E’en joyous friends, and claret rosy
Whate’er I do, where’er I be,
My social box attends on me;
It warms my nose in winter’s snow,
Refreshes 'midst midsummer’s glow;
Of hunger sharp it dulls the edge,
And softens grief as some alledge.
Thus, eased of care or any stir,
I broach my freshest cannister;
And freed from trouble, grief or panic,
I pinch away in snuff balsamic.
For rich or poor, in peace or strife,
It smooths the rugged path of life.
17. TO MY PEARL SNUFF-BOX, Bernard Barton , 1818
Memento of moments recurr’d to with pleasure;
Of hours when fancy and friendship were free;
Deposit most dear of a snuff-taker’s treasure;
Thou shalt not pass unsung or unhonour’d by me.
Though nonsensical nicety dirty may deem thee,
And folly survey thee with scorn,
As a friend and companion I love and esteem thee;
Like the rose in thy perfume, but lacking its thorn.
And more to my partial taste to endear thee,
Thou wast given me by one, whose remembrance must blend
With my thoughts when I touch, and I feel when th’art near me,
Th’art a talisman to put me in mind of a friend.
But thy beauties alone might well purchase thy praise,
Of a muse more melodious, more lofty than mine;
For each way that I turn thee, the eye, while it gazes,
Sees varying shades, on thy surface combine: –
Now white as the wing of the dove is thy whiteness,
Anon thou art bluish, yellowish and green;
One minute th’art dull; the next beaming with brightness,
Like a light fleecy cloud is thy silvery sheen: –
Fair Flora has fondly and sportively crown’d thee,
With trophies engraven her triumphs to tell;
Plutus provided the lip that runs round thee;
And Neptune or Thetis has furnish’d thy shell.
Combining such charms, and containing a treasure,
Which the nerveless or noseless alone can disdain:
I regard thee with feelings of pride and of pleasure,
And at every fresh pinch I could praise thee again.
Thou and I, though but recently known to each other,
Are pledged not sever „till death do us part”;
And we’ll jog on together, as brother with brother,
For I cannot but love thee, mere toy that thou art: –
Why should I not thee, and crown thee with laurel?
Th’art a friend whom no censure or slander can touch,
Ever prompt to give pleasure, too quiet to quarrel;
Of how few amongst men can the Muse say as much!
With mind or body sore distrest,
Or with repeated cares opprest,
What sets the aching heart at rest?
A pinch of snuff!
Or should some sharp and gnawing pain
Creep round the noddle of the brain,
What puts all things right again?
A pinch of snuff!
When tongue and speech together fail,
What helps old laies in their tale,
And adds fresh canvas to their sail?
A pinch of snuff!
Or when some drowsy parson prays,
Or still more drowsy people gaze,
What opens their eyelids with amaze?
A pinch of snuff!
A comfort which they can’t forsake,
What is it some would rather take?
Than good roast beef, or rich plum cake?
A pinch of snuff!
What warms without a conflagration,
Excites without intoxication,
And rouses without irritation?
A pinch of snuff!
Then let us sing in praise of snuff,
And call it not such „horrid stuff”,
At which some frown, or even cough
And seem to flinch
But when a friend presents a box,
Avoid the scruples and the shocks
Of him who laughs, and her who mocks,
And take a pinch!
The finger and the thumb oppose,
And in co-operation frame
A pinch, to carry to the nose
And so present for just acclaim,
An ochre fine-ground snuff.
Yet think not of the ground is this,
But stolen from Olympian groves,
Methinks a metamorphosis
Of some lady-love of Jove’s,
And so a twice crowned stuff.
The nostril never did receive
A benediction more refined;
And never did mankind achieve
A benefice of nobler kind,
And here ’tis found enough.
20. IN PRAISE OF SNUFF, D.J.P. & G.M.Foley, 1983
In sing the love of fine-mill’d snuff:
A gentlemanly creed.
Who knows thee not, knows not enough,
O gentle nose-caressing stuff,
Who knows the tawny weed!
O wond’rous nose-refreshing balm,
Indeed I love thee well:
With p_tetheke in my palm,
A pinch restores a shattered calm –
A fragrant non-pareil.
And as the rankness of this earth
Thy Elysian scent removes,
So when of laughter life is dearth,
Then thy charm restores our mirth,
Disconsolance reproves.
What inspiration from thee flows,
Thou art our dusky Muse,
With gift of poetry and prose
In scent of cinammon and rose,
To those who know thy use.
Memnosyne’s dust educes
Fonder reverie;
As Ph_bus from the dust educes
Rainbows and as love infuses
Sweeter memory.
O condiment to deeper thought,
Companion to reflection;
The fleestest imagery’s thou’st caught,
Inspiration comes unsought,
Beguiling my affection.
Companion in my social hour,
Just tribute to my friends,
A curfew to love’s witching power,
For, if he should acquaintance sour,
A pinch will make amends.
An alchemy is working here
On a jewel from Flora’s crown,
To make a powder to endear
A user to his tabatiere
And stain his nostril brown!